Friday, October 14, 2011

Reflection on the three weeks :

Reflection on the three weeks:

First of all, I am going to talk about my opinion. EDU401 is very differnt course from the courses that I have learned.I find it very interesting and enjoyable course,even if I faced difficulties but I know my self ,if there is some thing interested for me,I can overcome the problems that I face it.This course has helped me overcome my fear of technology. I was unsure of myself at first, but I quickly became used to using yahoo groups,blog account,delicious and doing assignments and tasks online. I have learned to communicate through internet to my teacher and classmates.
In the end,really I enjoyed in this course and I am sure it will help me in the future courses.Playing around on the computer is something I enjoy personally and professionally so this course seems like a great fit for me.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

“How would I use blogs, wikis and delicious with my EFL students”

Technology plays very important role in the classroom today and can be used to teach important concepts. Also,technology can provide learners with increased exposure to a foreign language.foreign language teacher can use websites such as: blogs,wikis and delicious with her students that can increase student knowledge and proficiency.

Blogs:  I would use blogs To provide extra reading practice for students.This reading can be produced by the teacher, other students in the same class, or, in the case of comments posted to a blog, by people from all over the world. Also,to improve my students’ writing. For example, I will let them post freely whatever they want and comment on each other posts.  

wikis:  To use wiki with my students, I would divide the class into groups; each group will have their wiki. I’ll post some topics related to our course, each group will select a topic and collect information about it, post it in their group wiki and discuss it with their classmates. 

Delicious:  Delicious is a bookmarking tool that every student would need. I would ask my students to make their own Delicious and for each lesson I will ask them to bookmark an article or a website that they find it useful and beneficial to our lesson, and share it with their classmates. 

using of websites such as blogs, wiki and Delicious in teaching can be a powerful and effective technology tool for students and teachers alike.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

"Application of Bax Normilasation in Saudi Arabia: The how!"

Stephan Bax argues that, "Our aim should be to attain a state of `normalisation' in which the technology is invisible and truly integrated"

I read the article of  "CALL—past, present and future ".it talked about the history of CALL and what it has been and where and the phases of CALL that Warschauer discussed. also,a critical examination and reassessment of the history of CALL.Stephan Bax suggested many steps to "attain a state of normalization in which the technology is invisible and truly integrated.
CALL will be normalized when computers are used every day by language students and teachers as an integral part of every lesson, like a pen or a book. CALL will be normalised when computers are treated as always
secondary to learning itself, when the needs of learners will be carefully analysed first
of all, and then the computer used to serve those needs.Finally, he mentioned the 7 stages of normalization in CALL from early adaptors, ignorance/scepticism, try once,try again, fear/awe, normalising, until we finally reach normalization

About how these changes and means could be applied to our Saudi context.I think it will not be easy process but we will do and if we compare the education system in saudi arabia   between now and before ten years, we will find alot of changes. To occur these changes we should follow these steps.first of all ,there should be an organized plan that we should follow to reach normalization.secendly, the important tools should be available in the schools,and  the teachers should be trained to use these tools and teach students how to use it.Teachers and students will take along time to be familiar with this new system but when they used to,they will find it easy.finally,I hope to see my country from the advanced centers in  the developed countries in all fields, especially the education.