Saturday, December 3, 2011

The role of WeQuests in learning a foreign/second language :

Webquests are a phenomenon that is learning and researching through the internet and learning or using English for a meaningful purpose.Webquests involve the exploration of real world information and events on the Web in an attempt to solve a problem or find needed content related to a task that students have been assigned.WebQuests therefore take advantage of several learning concepts that are believed to benefit learners. In sum, WebQuests are inquiry-oriented and group-work centered. In addition, they involve higher order thinking skills and selected Internet sources.
  • Students using webquests must use their thinking abilities. They are required
    to compare, contrast, make decisions and recommendations.
  • In the process of participating in WebQuests, students learn how to search effectively, evaluate what they find, and put it to use.
  • Quests offer the student self pacing and self learning. Whether they
    work individually or in groups does not change this.
  • Students are enthusiastic about learning through webquests. In
    participating in one of the Classroom connect quests (Galapagos) the
    students begged not to go back to the standard curriculum after the month longendeavor.This is a particularly good medium for low achievers.The
    results with those students using Webquests were outstanding!!
  • With a quest students can be exposed to materials, people, activities
    and ideas that are not available in our standard text and are highly 
Using WebQuests in our classrooms can help build a solid foundation that prepares them for the future.